Devyani Tailor
Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our target audience Age: 15 - 25 year olds
Gender: Males & females - more for females since the leading role is a female
Target audience's other favourite films: Psycho, Gone Girl, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & Panic Room
Social demographics: A-C1
Young & Rubicam's Audience Classification SystemYoung & Rubicam's system puts different types of audiences into the specific groups that follow:
Explorer - needs new experiences and likes discovery
Aspirer - materialistic, worries about others opinions on them
Succeeder - enjoys control and prestige brands
Reformer - anti-materialistic and intellectual
Mainstream - family values, enjoys value for money and security
Struggler - enjoys eating junk food, alcohol, gambling, and needs to escape from their own lives
Resigned - enjoys tradition, nostalgia and survival.
We believe that our target audience could potentially be quite wide. This is because part of them could fit into the explorer or struggler category, these people would not be able to relate to a majority of the characters or the narrative, therefore it would be a different and new experience for them which is different to their lives. However we also think that Two Faced could appeal to the mainstreamer because our opening sequence shows a traditional family doing a conventional birthday celebration. This would provide the audience with something they appreciate (family values) and would also provide security in the fact that they are likely to relate to the family.
Blumler & Katz's Uses and Gratification TheoryThe uses and gratification theory suggests that audiences use media for different purposes - to escape, for entertainment, education & information, social interaction and identification. We think that our opening sequence would be used by audiences to escape, because it has a narrative involving an extreme outcome from a mental health illness. However this could also be combined with identification because there are many families similar to Ophelia's who are impacted by mental health but in a less extreme / dramatic way.
Richard Dyer's Utopian Solutions TheoryThis theory suggests that audiences use the media to experience perfection which they can't get from their real lives. This means that media products offer 'utopian solutions' to the audience's problems or 'social tension'. for example; confusion - clarity, exhaustion - energy and dreariness - intensity. We think that our opening sequence would full fill the intensity solution because
Two Facedshows a very ordinary equilibrium, but has an extreme plot twist which would create energy and shock to combat the dreariness they may experience throughout their own lives.
Our Research into Target AudienceBefore the filming of our opening sequence we researched into our genre and target audience. For our target audience research, we created a questionnaire that asked about conventions that our audience liked about the horror genre. We aimed to use all of the conventions that our target audience enjoyed in our opening sequence. We conducted this primary research by using an app called 'Survey Monkey', this app allowed us to post out questionnaire onto social networking sites, we decided to use Facebook & Twitter. By doing this, we knew that we would be able to reach our younger target audience, since social media sites are more popular amongst these people. Our questionnaire was taken by more females than males, which is good for our findings, since we felt our target audience was lent more towards females since our main character is female.
We found that the age of the majority of people who answered our questionnaires were the same age that fell into our target audience's age.
This was ideal for us, since we managed to gain relevant information to help to improve / create our media product to suit our target audience. We found that...
Overall our results were useful. However we felt that we could have made our questions more specific in order to gain more specific answers, this would have enabled us to avoid getting useless and inappropriate responses.