Monday, 30 November 2015

Narrative Theories

Applying Narrative Theories To Various Films


Equilibrium- The first part of the story will display a happy beginning where the majority of characters are content with each other.

Disruption- The second part will feature a problem or something that will disrupt the happiness

Realisation- This part is when everyone realises the problem and the chaos its causing

Repair- When the characters attempt to repair the damage caused and restore the problem

Restoration- The final part where the problem is resolved and everything returns to a state of equilibrium.

The Simpsons Movie

Equilibrum- In the beginning everything is normal and homer is just doing chores.

Disruption- It begins when Homer saves a pig

Realisation- The Simpsons are forced to move to Alaska due to the pigs behaviour.

Repair- They go back to save their home town Springfield.

Restoration- In the movie it is the ed of the film and the dome gets blown up and Springfield is finally free.

27 Dresses

Equilibrium- One of the protagonist characters is a lonely wedding planner looking for 'Mr. Right'.

Disruption- She manages to fall in love with a journalist who wants to write a bad article about her, therefore putting her in a difficult situation.

Resolution- The guy screws the article and they fall in love, a a result unexpectedly getting married

Vladimir Propp

The Hero- Restores to narrative equilibrium and is the central character 

Hunger Games- For example Katniss acts as both the seeker hero and the victim hero. She aids the victims to safety in order for the villain to go after her instead.

The Villain- Is the character that creates the disruption in the narrative equilibrium causing the hero to restore things. 

Hunger Games- President Snow acts as the villain/antagonist however there are a whole          'Government' of people who act as villains at certain points in the trilogy.

The Donor- gives the hero something to aid them on their quest to restore disruption this can be physical or not.

Hunger Games- The donor (Haymitch) provides Katniss with physical items to help her. This is emphasized in the film which is interesting and helps show the importance of this character.

The helper- Aids the hero on their journey to restore equilibrium. They are normally known as the side- kick.

Hunger Games- Peter acts as the helper joining Katniss in her challenges and eventualy leading her to victory.

The Princess- Normally female, is normally the prime victim of the villain and has to be saved as the climax of the film.

Hunger Games- The Hunger Games slightly subverts this character role. The princess could be seen as Katniss' sister Prim whom she saves taking her place in the hunger games. 

The Dispatcher- The dispatcher is the person that sends the hero on the journey to restore their equilibrium.

Hunger Games- You could say that president snow is the dispatcher as he controls the hunger games.

Star Wars

The Hero- Luke Skywalker
The Villain/ False Hero- Darthvader
The Donor- Obi Wan
The Helper- Obi Wan
The Dispathcer- Obi wan
The Princess- Leia

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